Hi all!
What a week! The strawberry and squash fields have suffered from the rain but everything else is thriving. Hopefully we get another good dry spell here and our tomatoes and corn start really rocking. Whenever it rains I start feeling like it is fall, but when I look at the calender I remember that we still have weeks before real autumn weather.
Cabbage - We've got green cabbage this week.
Corn - The corn has been excellent and it is just getting started. We love to be able to give it to y'all and we plan on keeping it coming for a while.
Lettuce - Our next lettuce planting is on and the heads are gorgeous and delicate. This has been our most uniform planting of lettuce this year. It makes us so happy to looks out on a uniform bed of multi-colored multi-shaped heads.
Garlic - We're not growing garlic this year (though we will for next year) so we're getting some from a local farm to give to y'all. Nothing can replace garlic.
Radish - It has been a while but french breakfast radishes are back on the menu. There is some secret addictive quality to this root. If you don't understand what I mean just keep eating them for a while and then try to resist them.
Parsley - We have a forest of parsley. I had the fortune to peek into a cookbook a few weeks ago called "Jerusalem" and it had lots of good recipes for cuisine from that city and region and lots of it employed parsley. Think parsley and tabbouleh.
Cucumber - I always say that when the cucumbers come on I will cease drinking any water that is not flavored with a slice of cucumber. That never actually happens, but I do end up eating lots of cucumber salads and snacking on cukes in the field like you would eat an apple. Apparently in India they sell cucumbers as snacks on the street. Just add salt! Refreshing.
Beets - The beets love summer rain more than anything. After they rain the red beets have exploded. A customer at the farmer's market recommended a cucumber/beet salad with spiced rice vinegar as the sauce. I haven't had the chance to purchase this vinegar yet but I plan to try this salad soon--I think the beet/cucumber pairing sounds perfect.
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