this week's share

This week's share:
Swiss chard- adding some greens to your life.  Here is a recipe from my wife Bobbi:

Chard, Ricotta and Saffron Cakes
Adapted From Deborah Madison's Vegetable Literacy 
Makes 12 3inch cakes

10-12C trimmed chard leaves
2 pinches saffron threads ( or for the poor-mans version sub Calendula) 
1C AP flour
1tsp salt 
1.5tsp baking powder
1C ricotta 
1/3C or more Parmesan or similar cheese
3/4C milk
2 eggs
3T olive oil or other oil, plus extra for frying 
Thick yogurt or sour cream to finish 
Basil or other garnish to finish 

Wilt the chard in a sauce pan, covered on high heat, using a splash of water to cook. Cook for only a few minutes, careful not to over cook, then allow it to drain and cool. 

Cover saffron threads (or Calendula) with 2T boiling water and set aside

Combine flour salt and baking powder in a bowl. In a second, larger bowl mix ricotta, parm, milk and eggs until blended. Add the oil and the saffron, then whisk in the flour mixture. 
Squeeze out as much water as possible from the chard, then chop it finely and stir it into the batter. 
Heat a few teaspoons of oil in a skillet over med-high heat. Drop the batter by the spoon full into the hot pan, making small or large cakes as you wish. The batter is quite thick and will need more time to cook than a regular pancake. 
Cook until golden on the bottom and then turn the cakes once, resisting the urge to flatten them! Cook about 3 mins or so on each side. 
Serve each cake with a tiny spoonful of sour cream, a sprinkle of fresh chopped basil

Tell us if you give it a try!

Lettuce- for more summer salads after no greens in last week's share.

Basil-  for the recipe above or anything else you choose to use it bruschetta yummm..

Sweet corn!!- not sure if I've ever picked corn this early in the summer before.  These ears are filled out well and super tasty.  Can't beat fresh corn on the cob.  Try it raw!  My favorite. Or throw it on the grill.  In mexico they eat it with mayonnaise and chilli!

Cucumbers-  are at their peak right now and really nice.  Three larger cukes in the share this week so make a cucumber salad.  Very refreshing in this hot weather.

Peas-  last peas of the year...they are still delicious, but in this hot weather the plants are running out of steam fast.  Enjoy them!

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