Hi folks,
The final farm share week has arrived. With the colder weather and shorter days, it feels like the right time...
The share will be almost double in size this week, so pack your muscles when you come to pick it up! There won't be too many more items than usual, just larger amounts. All the produce this time of year will hold for quite a while in the fridge (or, for the winter squash, onions and garlic, in a dry room temperature spot) so hopefully this share should load you up with veggies to last beyond this week.
The small shares will be packed into our blue bags and will be about the size of a normal large share...the large shares will be packed into wax boxes as I anticipate they'll be too big for the bags!
We may put out some extra winter squash to take if you want, apart from what's already packed into your shares, so keep an eye out for that.
I'm not even 100% sure what will be in the final share, but there will be a whole lot of stuff. We have a lot of food still on the farm and I want to put it together to make the best final share possible. But it will definitely include some of the following:
Winter squash and pumpkins- We have a whole lot of winter squash left, and a bunch of different varieties. As mentioned above, I may put out some extras for any real squash lovers looking for a bit extra.
Onions- Lots of onions and shallots still in storage, too. Especially our copra storage onions, which we have only recently started dipping into.
Garlic- Jess and Brian got all our seed garlic planted! There will be plenty of garlic growing for 2018. It also means we can give out more of our 2017 garlic without worries, as our need to save heads for seed has passed.
Kale- The Fall kale and chard continues to grow and do beautifully. This is the best time of year for kale!
Carrots- I think the carrots I've eaten over the past few weeks have been some of the tastiest I've ever had from the farm. Small, but so sweet! We will probably top them so they take up less space, but we'll give you a whole lot.
Beets- The beets are also abundant and delicious, and will also probably be topped in the bottom of your bag or box to save some space.
Brassicas- Some more brussels sprouts, plus some cabbage or broccoli if it survived the freeze and thaw!
Radishes/hakurei turnips- I am hoping these survived the cold weather, too! It didn't actually get that cold, but they can be pretty tender.
Braising mix- We've got a lot of nice braising greens growing, like tatsoi, mustards, mizunas, that make a great stir fry mix.
Other winter roots- Like our Black Spanish Radishes and winter turnips...
Greens- Lots of other greens still growing, like some radicchio, escarole, parsley, spinach, chard, collards, arugula, and mustards, so large shares will have an extra green.
If you didn't see in the email, this will be the farm's final share as Ebb Tide Produce, and the last time for me running the farm. I am taking a day off from the day job to pick and pack the final share with Jess and Brian. Vincent and Tyla Nattress will be taking the reins of the farm and incorporating into their business with the Orchard Kitchen, and I couldn't be happier to see the farm continuing on in their hands. It has been a truly great time running the farm and growing food for all you wonderful people. I will really miss it I'm sure, but I'm excited to be moving on to new adventures, too!
Thanks you so much to all of you. It has been great getting to know you, and I really, truly appreciate your support of the farm.
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