We're back at work at Ebb Tide this week, brushing the dust off the old tools and waking up the dormant fields. This week we've been busy weeding our field of strawberries, which are just starting to poke their heads out. We're also planting Walla Walla onions, which is one of my favorite activities. Onion planting takes a good chunk of time every April and is always memorable because we are just beginning to develop and discover the tone for the new planting season. This year the major development is our new crew member, Whitney, who is making the switch to vegetable farming after two years of dairying at Glendale Shephard. Whitney, Blake, and I have had ample opportunity to share stories as we've spent hours weeding strawberries under the April sun. I'm really looking forward to a year of working with those two.

Though most of the field is still resting in cover crop, our bulb flower experiment is taking place at the top of the field, just out of sight from the road. We're growing daffodils and tulips as an experiment. We'll dig and replant the bulbs this year and hopefully next year we'll have a big flourishing field of flowers.